PostgREST turns your PostgreSQL database automatically into a RESTful API. Today, PostgREST v10 was released. v10 is not available on the Supabase Platform yet, but it is available for self-hosting or as a executable binary from the GitHub release page.
Let's take a look at some of its new features that go hand in hand with supabase-js v2.
Akin to the PostgreSQL EXPLAIN command, you can now get the execution plan of a request through HTTP or supabase-js
. This works transparently for reads, writes and RPC because every request to PostgREST generates a single SQL query.
This is only suitable for development environments and is only enabled when the db-plan-enabled
config is set to true
Getting the execution plan through HTTP
Using curl
, you can obtain the execution plan by specifying a vendor media type on the Accept
_10$ curl -H 'Accept: application/vnd.pgrst.plan' \_10 'https://<project>.supabase.co/rest/v1/clients?select=*&id=eq.1'_10_10Aggregate (cost=8.18..8.20 rows=1 width=112)_10 -> Index Scan using clients_pkey on clients (cost=0.15..8.17 rows=1 width=36)_10 Index Cond: (id = 1)
The text
format is used by default, which gives you the same output you’d get in other SQL clients like psql
. You can change the format to JSON by using a media type suffix application/vnd.pgrst.plan+json
Explaining supabase-js queries
For supabase-js
, you can get the execution plan using the explain()
transform. This works for every supabase-js
method, including rpc()
. Here’s an example for select()
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('projects')_10 .select('*')_10 .eq('id', 1)_10 .explain()_10_10console.log(data)
Explaining the plan output in detail is beyond the scope of this blog post but basically it’s a tree of operations that PostgreSQL will follow for executing a query. Here we see the “Aggregate” node which corresponds to the json_agg
function used by the PostgREST generated query(more details on how to find these later) and the “Index Scan” node which means an index on “id” was used for a fast search.
Explaining RLS policies
The raison d'etre of explain()
is to provide quicker feedback on the performance of queries, especially in the presence of RLS policies. For instance, let’s say we have this basic policy:
_10create policy "anon can't read"_10on projects for select to anon_10using (_10 false_10);
And we use explain()
again, this time with the analyze
option(executes the query, same as the EXPLAIN ANALYZE counterpart in SQL) so we can see the execution time.
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('projects')_10 .select('*')_10 .eq('id', 1)_10 .explain({ analyze: true })_10_10console.log(data)
Here you can see the “Filter” node, which is a simple false
as defined by the above policy, this proves that the RLS policy is getting applied. Also the actual “Execution Time” is shown, which is a fraction of a millisecond. Note that this is only the query execution time, it doesn’t account for the latency for transferring the data from the database to the frontend.
Getting the Query Identifier
is also useful for getting the pg_stat_statements query identifier, which you can use in the Supabase logs to obtain the generated SQL queries. Here we use the json format
and the verbose
option to get it.
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('projects')_10 .select('*')_10 .eq('id', 1)_10 .explain({ format: 'json', verbose: true })_10_10console.log(data[0]['Query Identifier'])_10// 2811722635570756600
For getting more detailed information, you can also use the settings
, buffers
, wal
options with explain()
Improved Relationship Detection
One-to-one relationships
To avoid unnecessary JSON arrays in a query result, one-to-one relationships are now automatically detected. For this you can use a:
_24-- A unique constraint on a foreign key_24create table country (_24 id serial primary key,_24 name text_24);_24_24create table capital (_24 id serial primary key,_24 name text,_24 country_id int unique,_24 foreign key (country_id) references country (id)_24);_24_24-- or a primary key on a foreign key_24create table country (_24 id serial primary key,_24 name text_24);_24_24create table capital (_24 id serial primary key,_24 name text,_24 foreign key (id) references country (id)_24);
Both options should give you a json object when embedding one table with the other.
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('country')_10 .select('name,capital(name)')_10 .in('id', [1, 2])_10_10console.log(data)
Computed relationships
PostgREST uses foreign keys to detect relationships. This poses a problem on database objects that cannot have foreign keys, like views. Though PostgREST tries to infer relationships based on the views’ source tables foreign keys(docs), this is not infallible - in particular, it fails when views have a complex definition (e.g. multiple UNIONs). For this you can use “computed relationships”, which are “inlinable” SQL functions similar to computed columns.
Let’s assume we have a players
view, a scores
materialized view and we want to define a one-to-many relationship on them.
_16create view players as_16select id, name from players_a_16union_16select id, name from players_b;_16_16create materialized view scores as_16select_16 name as lvl_name,_16 compute_score(stats) as total, player_id_16from level_1;_16union_16select_16 name as lvl_name,_16 compute_score(stats) as total,_16 player_id_16from level_2;
For this we can define a couple of computed relationships.
_19-- many-to-one relationship on scores -> players_19create function player(scores)_19returns setof players rows 1 -- rows 1 defines a "one" end_19language sql stable_19as $$_19 select *_19 from players_19 where id = $1.player_id;_19$$;_19_19-- one-to-many relationship on players -> scores_19create function scores(players)_19returns setof scores -- there's an implicit rows 1000 here, which is assumed to be "many"_19language sql stable_19as $$_19 select *_19 from scores_19 where player_id = $1.id;_19$$;
And now we can embed both views from one end to the other. Note that the function names are arbitrary, here we named them similar to the views for convenience.
_28const { data, error } = await supabase_28 .from('scores')_28 .select('lvl_name, player(name)')_28 .eq('lvl_name', "Grand Prix 1")_28 .single()_28_28console.log(data)_28_28{_28 "lvl_name": "Grand Prix 1",_28 "player": { "name": "Ben Richards"}_28}_28_28const { data, error } = await supabase_28 .from('players')_28 .select('name,scores(lvl_name, total)')_28 .eq('id', 1)_28 .single()_28_28console.log(data)_28_28{_28 "name":"Ben Richards",_28 "scores":[_28 {"lvl_name": "Grand Prix 1", "total": 48761.24},_28 {"lvl_name": "Grand Prix 2", "total": -40.25}_28 ]_28}
Computed relationships follow the rules of Inlining of SQL Functions, which basically allows them to be injected into PostgREST generated queries, making them efficient to use. You can also use computed relationships to override detected relationships.
Breaking change on many-to-many relationships
Detecting join tables for many-to-many relationships has been working for many releases. However on complex schemas join tables can be incorrectly detected, causing errors when used in resource embedding. For this the following BREAKING CHANGE had to be made:
_19-- for "books_authors" to be detected as a join table,_19-- the primary key must include the foreign key columns_19-- of the many-to-many ends_19_19create table books (_19 id int primary key,_19 name text_19);_19_19create table books_authors (_19 book_id int references books (id),_19 author_id int references authors (id),_19 primary key (book_id, author_id) -- this is now necessary_19);_19_19create table authors (_19 id int primary key,_19 name text_19);
If changing the PK is not feasible for a particular case, the alternative would be using computed relationships to define the many-to-many.
One-to-many and many-to-one relationships keep working as always, no change in their detection.
Closing up
Computed relationships are the first step towards PostgREST extensibility, customizing the aggregate used for the response and custom operators are planned for next releases.
We’ll release PostgREST 10 on the Supabase platform over the next month.